Thursday, May 31, 2012

Getting over on DA MAN screenshots

The screen shots that didnt make it to my youtube video on "How to get over on DA MAN: Credit Report Edition" click here for video

the website which starts it allll


Youll receive an email like this with the status of your dispute (This is Equifax)

Insert confirmation number from email

what your dispute looks like if you request to have it mailed, printed, or viewed online. 


Wednesday, May 30, 2012

sundays in baltimore...

Fells Point, Baltimore on the Waterfront

He dresses like a black version of Leonard from The Big Bang Theory. 

Torin's big sis was not feeling the camera AT ALLL. lol sorry Shernai. (sp?)

MUSSELS AND ONION GARLIC FRIES... most excellent *Garth Voice*

Torin gets a burger 7 out of 9 times. BURGER CRAWL BALTIMORE 2012



OOTD: Peasant in the City



Thifted locket, H&M wooden bangles
H&M Belt

Cant recall... lol


Just wanted to twirl all day, unfortunately I spilled oil on the skirt and now pray the cleaners will get the stain out :( 

(Bare Minerals makeup)

...good things

Sunday, May 27, 2012

apple pie hopes

...expectations is all one can have in the beginning. Hope for a future. Pahaaaaa. I dunno if its being 24... Orrrr... Just me being a cynic but man its so hard to NOT live day by day. Its like you only know whats NOW! in the present... And you i guess "hope" that doing good in your day to day will take you somewhere.... ANYWHERE! Cause let's be honest... A lot of people are going to end up going absolutely nowhere.

And thats the truth, Ruth.

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Friday, May 25, 2012

Organic food and Natural products HAUL

Ran errands with the boyfriend today. While waiting for Mr. Tire to do his business we had lunch in Timonium at 'The Charred Rib'. Pretty damn good if I say so myself. (of course I got ribs). After we left out my bf noticed  'Mom's Organic Market'  was next door and I jumped at the idea of going inside. See ive always heard of Moms but never been to one. I wanted to do waaay more damage in this store but we had to walk about a mile back to the Mr. Tire and its 90+ outside today. 

Cant go wrong with a snack of ginger snaps and blueberries

Looove Honest Ade's line of teas. It like a light version of your grandmom's with a twist of fruit.

Oh and this was purchased at Walgreens. They carry this YES to Cucumbers product in Wal Mart and Target as well. This is my first time trying this so Ill do a product review later. 

Awkward Black Girl Season 2 - Trailer